Well it's Monday. The phrase for today has been "southern fried sexy." One of Jeff's gay friends (Jeff isn't gay, BTW) called him southern fried sexy over the weekend, apparently. We have been using interchangeable words with said phrase, calling people and things "southern fried stupid" and "southern fried psycho". It's been fun.
Lately I've been having those "uh-oh, spaghetti-o, the Clinton Crazyperson is lurking" feelings and sure enough! Texts Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I blew him off. He thinks I moved back to Seattle...which makes me laugh out loud. He can't run me off. But I don't mind if he thinks he did.
Elvis died 33 years ago today. I remember standing in Corbett's Drug Store in Burns, Oregon crying about it with an older woman (in her 50's at that time) named Audrey. She had the biggest beehive hairdo's I've ever seen. She used to smell of cigarettes and Chanel No. 5, and was one of the sweetest people I ever knew.
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